Sunday, March 29, 2009


Pre-op Jude. Sweet camera phone quality pic.

Poor Jude!! He came home from work on Wednesday feeling sick. Thursday morning I talked him into going to the doctor. The doc told him-- it sounds like your appendix, go to the hospital. He said, "Can I meet with the tax guy first?" So, he did that and then drove himself to the emergency room. But, not before packing a bag with his computer, the whole first season of 24, the ipod, earphones, a big fat book, and probably some other stuff. No toothbrush or change of clothes, but plenty to do! They admitted him and hooked him up to an IV and took his appendix out Friday morning. He was so funny because every time I talked to him he acted like he was having a fine time. He didn't want me to come to the hospital or do anything. He was just hanging out. Sad that this is the only way Jude gets a break! It was like a vacation for him. Just Jude and his electronics--no kids, no doing dishes--he was loving it. Until he woke up post-op on Friday, of course. It's no vacation anymore, but he is doing much better. Still walking around hunched over and very slowly. Poor, poor Jude!!


Kim L. said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have heard that is soooooooooooo painful. That is such a "man" thing to remember the electronics, but not a change of clothes.\"/ Wish him well for us!

BobandLu said...

Oh Rachel, you haven't forgotten the pain huh? I will never forget the guilt I felt about when you went in with flour still in your hair from our flour fight! I'm still so so sorry.
What do you think of 24 this season? Did you not cheer when Chloe came back? :) She drives Bob nuts, but I love her.

Deb and Chad Crowther said...

Chad told me you called to get his opinion when Jude was in pain. Poor Jude! Tell him it was probably caused by his 1-hour binge eating episodes! HA HA I hope he gets to feeling better soon. We miss you guys tons! I am soooo excited you're having a girl. I can only imagine Ivy's excitement. :) P.S. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures of Cali. What is the city called? Can't wait to go visit you guys once you move there! YAY!

Stephanie Black said...

Hey Rachel, just found your blog and I loved reading all about you guys. I feel bad for Jude. That is funny about it being a 'vacation' at the hospital. We would probably feel the same way since we have a crazy life with our little ones. Congratulations on being pregnant! I laughed about the story of taking the prego picture. Anyways, very exciting. I hope you are feeling well and it all goes smoothly. I loved the pics of CA where you want to go. It looks amazing. Are you done this year, or one more year in PA? It's great to see what you are up to. BTW - I love the family photo. You look amazing. ~Stephanie

Jeni said...

No fun! Remember when Chris got his out... on our way home from Orlando... the Women's time out!

Pryors said...

Jude, so sorry! Trent has talked to him a couple of times this past week and yet had no idea. Glad he got a little break though. Who needs clothes in the hospital they have those awesome gowns.