Friday, May 1, 2009

Hospitalized Again?

Jude got in a car wreck on Thursday. I know what you're thinking...but it actually wasn't his fault. He was on his way to work when the person in front of him stopped quickly to let another car turn. Jude stopped in time, but the person behind him slammed right into him and propelled him into the car in front of him. Jude got whiplash pretty bad, but he's okay. The Jetta is totaled. Some pretty bad luck for poor Jude the last couple of weeks. It was just 4 weeks ago that he was at the hospital for the appendix. Our friend (and hometeacher), Clark, suggested that Jude just stay home for a while. (He's the one who came and mowed the lawn for us and brought us dinner after the appendectomy). What's next, Jude? Swine flu? While waiting for the x-rays we were stressing about injuries that could affect his insurability as a dentist and all sorts of nightmares. Luckily he's going to be just fine--sore and desperately trying to get a massage out of me--but fine.


Kim L. said...

WOAH! SO SCARY! So glad he's ok.

Karly said...

Oh man! That sucks... happened to Andrew about a year ago... he totaled the Honda but we know how he feels with the whiplash. Hope he starts feeling better! (How are you feeling?)

The Kennedy Family said...

Poor guy can't get a break. Glad it wasn't worse though. Let's catch up again soon.

Jeni said...

Scary!! Glad he's ok.